A Negroni Collection for Negroni Week

Since its spontaneous creation in 1919, the Negroni has gone from obscure Italian cocktail to global sensation, complete with its own week-long celebration each September. We’ve gathered four delicious, easy-to-make riffs to help you toast Negroni Week in style.
Kate Colby headshot
Kate M. Colby

What’s the perfect recipe for creating a “classic” cocktail? We’re talking the kind of drink that spans generations — not just surviving but thriving through endless industry trends and ever-changing consumer preferences. We propose three key “ingredients.”

First, the cocktail must be easy to make with simple ingredients that won’t spike your costs. It should balance crowd-pleasing deliciousness with intriguing complexity. And it has to be endlessly versatile.

Exactly what defines the Negroni.

As the legend goes, the Negroni is a riff itself, born out of the Americano cocktail in 1919, in the aristocratic Caffè Casoni in Florence, Italy. Inspired by his travels abroad, the Count Camillo Negroni asked bartender Fosco Scarselli to “strengthen” his usual Americano (which he’d discovered in the United States) by replacing the soda with gin, in honor of his recent trip to London. Fosco added his own twist — using an orange peel instead of lemon to garnish.

This new cocktail was originally called the “Count Negroni-Style Americano,” before taking on its shorter (and far catchier) modern name. It quickly became one of Italy’s most famous aperitif cocktails but it wasn’t until the 1960s that it arrived in the U.S. — and it wouldn’t go fully “mainstream” until the early 2000s.

Generic Negroni Cocktail - Unsplash
The traditional Negroni mixes equal parts gin, vermouth, and bitter Italian liqueur. (Courtesy: Unsplash)

Today, the Negroni has secured its place as an iconic, in-demand cocktail and is celebrated annually during Negroni Week (the third week of September). Drinks International magazine named the Negroni the world’s #1 “Best-Selling Classic Cocktail” in 2022 and again in 2023. Of the 100 bars surveyed across 33 countries in 2023, 26% ranked the Negroni as their #1 best-selling cocktail and 46% listed it as their #2.

It's easy to see why. The classic Negroni has a beautifully simple recipe — equal parts gin, vermouth, and a bitter Italian liqueur — yet offers remarkable complexity of flavor. And thanks to the Negroni’s origin as a spontaneous cocktail riff (and “accidental” remixes like the Negroni Sbagliato, which uses Prosecco instead of gin), the cocktail has proven deliciously versatile, inspiring professional mixologists and home bartenders alike to create their own versions.

In that spirit, we’re pleased to introduce you to four Negroni cocktails that are sure to impress customers, colleagues, and friends alike — whether you serve them during Negroni Week or (even better) all year-round.

The Ready-to-Drink Bottega Negroni

Bottle and cocktail glass - Bottega Negroni
The Bottega Negroni requires three simple steps: grab a glass, pour, enjoy!

A serious Italian cocktail, the Bottega Negroni comes mixed and ready to drink —  just prepare a glass and pour. It’s a great choice for everyday consumers who want to enjoy a complex cocktail without the fuss, or for busy mixologists who need to serve a crowd quickly.

The Bottega Negroni is crafted by the renowned Bottega family (whose history in the Italian drinks industry goes back four centuries) with three premium ingredients: Bottega Bacûr Distilled Dry Gin, Bottega Vermouth Rosso, and the Bottega Bitter Aperitivo. Together, they create a balanced, strong cocktail that can satisfy the most demanding and refined palates. Learn more here.

The Classic Negroni

Classic Negroni cocktail with bottle - Cipriani Drinks
Cipriani Drinks London Dry Gin is an ideal base for a traditional Negroni.

If you’re thirsting for a classic Negroni, let our incredible partners at Cipriani Drinks be your guide.

Founded in 1931, Cipriani Drinks has crafted world-class wines and spirits for four generations. Their Negroni recipe showcases their exquisite London Dry Gin — which is made in the same style as the gin that originally inspired Count Negroni’s cocktail request — alongside equal parts red vermouth and bitter liqueur. Get the full recipe here.

The Rio de Negroni

Rio de Negroni cocktail - Gunpowder Gin
A Negroni, but then make it tropical, courtesy of Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Brazilian Pineapple.

The rise of artisanal flavored gins has produced an incredible range of Negroni riffs, and the Rio de Negroni is our latest exciting discovery. Starring Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Brazilian Pineapple, it puts a tropical twist on the traditional Negroni — perfect for anyone who wants a little less bitterness and a bit more fruitiness.

Inspired by proprietor P.J. Rigney’s travels to Brazil during Carnival, Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Brazilian Pineapple is a handcrafted Irish gin distilled with oriental botanicals, gunpowder tea, and a vapor-infusion of Brazilian pineapple. Add in Campari, Boissiere Sweet Vermouth, and fresh pineapple to garnish, and you’ve got an extraordinary new Negroni cocktail. Check out the complete recipe here.

To see our full range of Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gins (all of which make ideal base spirits for Negronis), click here.

La Rosita

La Rosita - Tequila Bribón
La Rosita cocktail mixes up the Negroni by swapping out gin for tequila —  with delicious results.

For anyone who isn’t a big fan of gin, fear not. You can still get in on the action by making a Negroni riff that features a different base spirit.

Wait, you ask: Negronis made without gin? Oh yes, it’s possible. And yes, they’re fantastic.

The La Rosita cocktail, which trades in tequila for gin, is one of our favorites. It stars Tequila Bribón, crafted by Jalisco’s Orendain family, one of the four founding families of tequila in Mexico. While the bartender in the photo above has opted for the Añejo, Tequila Bribón’s Reposado would also be a wonderful choice. Either handcrafted tequila will impart a smooth, fruity-floral quality to La Rosita cocktail. Get the recipe here.

These four Negroni riffs are just a taste of the amazing cocktail recipes we have to share with you. For even more ideas — including Negronis featuring mezcal and rum — read our mini-guide to building the ultimate Negroni.

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