Rarefied Air: Inside The Library at Bertani

Bertani — the standard-setting Amarone icon that, among other things, pioneered estate bottling in Italy and revolutionized Valpolicella viticulture — also proudly stewards one of the rarest and most famous wine libraries in existence.
Nicole Habif - Blog Author
Nicole Habif

Bertani’s epic history has, chapter by chapter, unfolded around protagonists with irresistible charisma — a requirement for any good saga.

Founded by future-focused brothers, Giovan Battista and Gaetano Bertani in 1857, Bertani has enjoyed a brilliant and continuous evolution during its 167-plus years. Early on, they pioneered estate-bottled wines and successfully employed the cutting-edge viticultural techniques of Burgundy’s Dr. Jules Guyot — a move that not only revolutionized grape growing in Valpolicella at the time but would give rise to Bertani’s trademark, elegant style of Amarone.

The Library worker with bottles OCM - Bertani

Later, other visionary cellar masters took their turns at the helm, further defining and contextualizing the Bertani name and Amarone for new generations of fine wine enthusiasts.

Yet, through all this evolution — enduring numerous wars, devastating weather events, and an exciting changing of the guard when ownership passed to Angelini Estates in 2012 — one stalwart presence has remained: The Library.

Living History of Amarone Wine

Wall of bottles OCM - Bertani

There are thousands of them.

Thousands of bottles of wine from vintages as far back as 1939 — including an astounding 43 vintages of their Amarone della Valpolicella — are tucked away inside black iron-clad alcoves carved into the foundation of Bertani’s historic Grezzana estate.

Accessible by descending a dimly lit staircase, hewn from locally mined red marble, The Library is chilly and still. Humidity levels are constantly monitored and the air is regularly purified and conditioned with infrared light and ozone. Every cork is original and none of the wines are ever opened with the intent to recondition. To Bertani, that would be tantamount to a violation of their history. Instead, they are left undisturbed as silent, but still very much alive, witnesses to the past.

Blindfolded, even the uninitiated visitor would be able to sense they are standing in rarefied air.

The Library’s breadth is, by almost all accounts, truly unique in the wine world — the result of a forward-thinking ethos that has been part of the Bertani DNA since the beginning. But its starting point is, interestingly, a bit of a meandering path with no one “Moment in Time” when the collection officially began. Rather, it was a series of circumstances, not all of them easy, that yielded such a vast collection.

When the longevity and age-worthiness of their Valpolicella wines became apparent to the Bertani family, they started tucking away barrels and bottles to age for great lengths of time, ever eager to push boundaries. The lovingly curated stockpiles slowly grew. During World Wars I and II, when cellars across Europe were plundered by invading forces, the Bertani family did an exceptional job of hiding their treasured legacy — some of it still in large barrels — behind false walls. According to Bertani legend, not a drop of wine was lost to looting.

Then in the 1950s, after the purchase of the Tenuta Novare estate in Valpolicella’s Negrar Valley, Bertani set out to make the most intense, ageworthy expression of Valpolicella wine possible — what they wound up creating was one of the very first dry appassimento wines, then called “Recioto della Valpolicella Amarone.” They still have bottles of the 1958, their very first vintage.

Today, in vintage years, Bertani intentionally reserves 10-15% of their production for The Library. Bottles are laid to rest in the cellar, unadorned by labels, slowly gathering dust until they are carefully extracted by a cellar worker who then cleans the bottles and labels each bottle (by hand) only at the time of shipment to a lucky buyer. To the winery, this kid glove care is the ultimate symbol of their artistry and craftsmanship.

Bertani vignette 1 - Bertani

Cataloging Personalities

To taste a vast vertical, especially one of this caliber, is of course a dream for any wine professional. And in 2022, that dream came true for Master of Wine Nick Jackson.

Working in concert with the Bertani team, he tasted through the entirety of The Library’s collection of Amarone della Valpolicella.

“I know that Bertani Amarone is one of the great wines of Europe,” Jackson remarks. “So for me, the opportunity to explore so many old vintages to understand the style of Bertani Amarone and understand where it comes from is a great privilege.”

Jackson went on to author a detailed report of his tasting and define every vintage — capturing their personality — in one of four categories: Exuberance (“showing an extroverted character”), Finesse (“possessing an effortless complexity and irresistible charm”), Gentleness (“at ease with a relaxed charm”), or Harmony (“classically proportioned and showing grace — the closest to the Bertani house style”).

A No. 1 Best-Seller

Regardless of which vintage personality the wines hail from, Bertani Amarone is famously drinkable and a wonderfully versatile food match; it is crafted in a style unlike any other. Evocative of Burgundy, but undeniably a wine from Valpolicella, the Bertani style revolves around freshness, elegance, and harmony. Little wonder that outside the mysterious confines of The Library (and into presumably warmer bottle shops), Bertani has consistently reigned as the No. 1 best-selling Amarone over $100 at retail here in the U.S.*

In celebration of Bertani and their remarkable legacy, Palm Bay International will be releasing a very limited number of library packs showcasing the 2012, 2013, and the recently released Amarone della Valpolicella.

For more information on Bertani, their history, terroir, and winemaking, visit this link.

Campaign financed according to Reg. EU N. 2021/2155

* Circana w/e Sept. 15, 2024

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October 03, 2024
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